Tuesday 25 October 2011

Excellent News Fans! AMC Renews The Walking Dead for Season 3

Season 3 has been confirmed, no wonder Rick is smirking!
The Walking Dead Season 3
Yeah you heard right, a 3rd season has now been confirmed which is brilliant news for all us hardcore fans! We still have 11 episodes left of what is already the start to an awesome season 2, presumably followed by a very hard wait, and then a kick ass season 3 to watch!

AMC have not confirmed exactly how many episodes Season 3 will contain, however they did mention it will be at least 13, and that's more than enough to put a smile on all our faces for now!

AMC's president Charlie Collier commented “Today we are pleased to announce that the ‘dead’ shall live as we proudly renew The Walking Dead for a third season. We are thankful for everyone’s contribution in front of and behind the camera as we continue to make The Walking Dead a unique television experience. And, we are so proud as it continues to set viewership records around the world.”

Leave your comments and share your excitement below!


  1. Awesome News - Thanks guys, keep up the good word

  2. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
    So happy this has now been confirmed, thanks for the update =)

  3. daryl is going to be in season 3????

  4. i have the same question! someone knows if daryl is going to be in season 3? that'd extremely awesome!!!

  5. I hope he will, but just not sure yet :-/
    I know he gets badly messed up in season 2, you can see on the preview in one part he is covered in blood as rick and shane are carrying him, hope he is ok!

  6. i think he is going to be in season 3 because he is in the main cast and he is the most popular character :)

  7. Yeah he is clearly the most popular character now, I mean just look at the poll results!
