Thursday 17 November 2016

The Walking Dead Pop Up Book

Not sure how many fans are aware of this, so figured I would do a quick post to let you all know.

The people behind The Walking Dead have released a Walking Dead Pop-Up Book and it's awesome! Check out some of the pictures below, and make sure to play the video to get an even closer look.

The Walking Dead Pop Up Book
- Makes for a great Xmas present -

The book features many of the most iconic walkers from the TV Series such as Bicycle Girl and the Well Walker (remember that scene with Glenn on the farm?)

The Walking Dead Pop Up Book - Great Detail
The amount of detail is amazing!
The Walking Dead Pop Up Book - Gruesome
Gruesomely beautiful

Check out the video below to get an even closer look at the book. You will see just how much they have managed to cram in, and thankfully at no loss of quality.

This Pop-Up Book is available on both and

Let us know what you think of this in the comments section below. Are you going to be buying this for a Walking Dead fanatic this Christmas?

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Rick's Revelation that he's not baby Judith's Father

There was a beautifully refreshing, yet totally unexpected moment in the most recent episode of The Walking Dead. Rick is at his house in Alexandria setting up makeshift beds on the floor (thanks to Negan and The Saviours for stealing their mattresses, only to go and burn them afterwards. Yes, this is what Michonne saw at the end of the episode for those who didn't catch it) when Michonne walks in to talk to him. 

Michonne begins to question Rick, in order to gauge where he's mentally at. Does he want to fight Negan? Is there a plan lurking somewhere in the back of Rick's head? What's the next step? Sadly, much to Michonne's frustration, there doesn't seem to be one. Rick has ultimately admitted defeat. Negan has won. "they've got the numbers" exclaims Rick. "what about The Hilltop!?" asks Michonne, Rick fires back - "but they've still got the numbers!"

Michonne looks totally crushed, as does Rick. She now realises that this is the way it is. The man she used to look up to has thrown in the towel. He's waving the white flag.

Rick reveals to Michonne he's not Judith's father
"I had to accept that"
Rick then proceeds to tell Michonne of his former best friend and partner, Shane Walsh. Just to make it clear, I personally love when a TV Series makes a meaningful callback to past characters and events - it's something I think they should do more of in The Walking Dead. It just helps everything connect together and carries on the flow of storytelling - something that a lot of people criticise this show for - much more thoroughly.

Michonne never met Shane as she wasn't around at the time when he was alive, this explains why she looks so shocked as Rick is telling the story of his past relationship and most importantly the love triangle that existed between Lori, Rick and Shane. The love triangle that is responsible for baby Judith, who Rick now admits for the first time is not "really" his own. 

Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes before the apocalypse
Shane and Lori before the apocalypse
"I know Judith isn't mine, I know it."

Wow, this shocking revelation is one that many fans of The Walking Dead - including myself - never figured would get brought up again, hence why I found it so refreshing. 

Here we have Rick at quite possibly one of his lowest moments (to be fair, there have been a lot!) and yet he still finds it in himself to push on, put his own beliefs to one side - in this case the belief that Judith is not really his daughter - and survive. 

"I know Judith isn't mine," he said. "I know it. I love her. She's my daughter. But she isn't mine. I had to accept that. I did. So I could keep her alive. I'll die before she does, and I hope that's a long time from now so I can raise her, protect her, and teach her how to survive. This is how we live now. I had to accept that too, so I could keep everyone else alive."

Reading into this tells us a couple of key things:

  1. Rick says he "had to accept that" likely meaning that he's known for a long time that Judith isn't really his own flesh and blood, even if he didn't admit this to anyone else. The fact that he's known this for a while, and still risked his life countless times to protect her shows us that deep down he truly is a decent, caring man. Some men of this world wouldn't raise a child as their own as it is, so adding a zombie apocalypse to the table really shows us those who do, and don't ultimately care.
  2. Rick telling Michonne that "this is how we live now" shows us that Rick is no longer willing to take risks. He's seen the consequences of that first hand with the horrific deaths of Abraham and Glenn. All he wants to do now is survive and keep everyone else alive, most importantly Carl and Judith. This was emphasised furthermore in the episode when he had an emotional crack in his voice whilst explaining to Michonne that he simply can't, and won't lose anyone else!
I think the writers created this scene so that we can see clearly the state of mind that Rick is currently in, and who can really blame him? He feels the guilt for everyone's deaths weighing heavily upon his shoulders. His whole emphasis on the fact that Negan is in charge, no matter how much he hates to admit that, tells us he's willing to do whatever is required to prevent anyone else from dying. 

The question now is what will Rick do going forwards - especially when it seems not everyone is as willing to get on board the 'Negan train'. Leave your thoughts and comments below or discuss on our Walking Dead Forum.

Entertainment Weekly's Interview with Andrew Lincoln - Rick's Revelation

The following interview is taken from Entertainment Weekly. They had the chance to sit down and chat with Andrew Lincoln himself in regards to the most recent episode of The Walking Dead. Andrew discusses his own personal thoughts and feelings he had whilst filming, as well as giving us a deeper glimpse into the character of Rick Grimes, and the state of mind he's currently in.

I thought this interview was too good not to share, but please know that I am taking absolutely no credit for it. This is all thanks to EW.

Read on below...


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Obviously what happened in the premiere was all kinds of horrific, but is there something even more humiliating in a way of Negan coming into Rick’s community and just taking whatever he wants, threatening whomever he wants, and Rick having to just sit there and take it? What was that like for you having to play that?

ANDREW LINCOLN: It was work. Everything was all about the return that first episode, and everybody was nervous about getting it right and getting back to where we left it, so there was a lot of focus on that on that episode. I thought, foolishly, that it was going to be a kind of cakewalk for the rest of the season, and then this episode shows up and you realize that all of it is reactive. It’s all about sucking it up. It’s easier to kind of transmit a thought if you’ve got words, but if you don’t have words, you have to really feel it, otherwise it’s not going to transmit. So it was unbearable.

Jeffrey [Dean Morgan] always said that he could tell that it was working when I started getting agitated on set. I think that it was an astonishing kind of abuse. You know, you wait a few episodes and you think, “Oh, maybe there’s going to be Rick’s return,” and actually, he’s not. He’s acquiesced. He’s done. He’s like, “No. No, no, no, no.” But then you have the reveal at the end, which is key, I think, as to what he’s doing about Judith.

Yeah, I definitely want to get to that in a minute, but first off, I’ve got to know what it was like having to carry Lucille around for the entire episode. I remember being there on set and the first thing I saw when I got there was you carrying Lucille. I was like, “Oh, that can’t be good.”

Yeah, it just sucks. I mean, it’s been a great acting opportunity, but I wouldn’t say it’s been fun. It’s been emasculating the leader and having to be publicly humiliated and taunted and tormented and all those kind of things, and it sucks. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been pretty bad.

I love that one scene, though, at the end where Negan kills the walker with the candlestick and we see you sort of tighten your grip on Lucille a little bit, and Rick’s fighting every urge in his body to just take a swing right there.

Yeah, because he knows what the net result is. It’s everybody dies if he takes that swing. He’s being educated by this guy, and it was about holding my breath, really, that whole episode and him pushing and prodding and needling this guy as much as he can, because he’s checking to see if this guy is really kneeling before him, you know? Rick’s smart enough to realize that if he does take that swing, everybody dies.

It’s interesting how you described it as him holding his breath through the whole episode because then there’s that moment at the end right after Negan leaves where Spencer basically calls Rick out.

Not a good time. Not the best timing.

I couldn’t help but wonder: What do you think happens there if Rick is one foot away from Spencer instead of about 30 feet away?
It was neat to be able to have that little bit of the bite, the old Rick, for the audience to know, “Okay, he’s sucked it all up, but he’s still a powder keg. He’s not done.” I think that, yeah, Spencer is difficult to love. He’s hard to love, Spencer.

Okay, let’s talk about that huge scene between Rick and Michonne, which marks the first time we’ve heard him openly admit that he knows Judith is not his biological child. Is that something he’s finally admitting to himself, or just voicing aloud for the first time?
I think voicing it aloud. It’s one of those watershed moments that happens, certainly between the two lovers, between Michonne and Rick, that brings them together. It’s a very important moment in understanding his psyche and going, “This is what I’ve been doing for the last two years. I’ve accepted the situation and I will accept the situation if it’s going to save lives and if it’s going to protect the people I love. I will take it.” It’s another perfect kind of quiet heroism. You know, he’s a stepdad and it doesn’t stop him loving his child, but he kind of has accepted that it’s not his.

I told Jon Bernthal [who played Shane] that, in the pool with his kids — I hadn’t seen him for a while — I said, “Dude, you’re never going to believe this,” and he was like, “Oh, my God, no. What?” It was hilarious because he was like, “No. What… you… really? Really?” And he took it all so perfect. It was so Jon. It was beautiful because it was almost like he wanted to replay his scene again. He wanted to go back and reshoot the thing and I was like, “Dude, I know. Come on… they… you know.” But it was a very, very key point that [shworunner Scott M. Gimple] told me before I even got script 1 [this season]. We talked about it in the hiatus because it is very, very key.

It’s a huge revelation for the audience.

Well, it is, but it’s also a great secret. It’s a great, great secret that he’s been holding on to for a long, long time. It’s also a very smart way of understanding why he’s behaving in this way, because he’s been behaving that way with regards to his child since the outbreak, since he got the news. There’s a scene with Lori where it’s almost touched upon — outside on the farm, there’s a scene where he makes peace with whatever’s gone down and that’s, I think, a key moment. He doesn’t voice it, but it’s there. It’s in the air.

Well, it’s fascinating, because it’s the type of thing where it’s always out there in the show, but as a viewer, you sort of you move past it because there’s other things to think and worry about. So you sort of forget that this is always there and always in Rick’s mind because maybe you haven’t thought about since season 2 or 3.

Right! That’s right, and that’s the cool thing about long-form TV is the middle of this crazy ass episode that is about bringing people into line and continuing to test a leader of another community that Negan’s taken over, you have this revelation that is almost like a sideswipe. It’s very small and it’s great storytelling, I think, from Scott.

It was funny because I knew it affected people because [cinematographer Michael E. Satrazemis] just came and everybody kind of gave me a hug after. I think everybody really was hurting for Rick because it’s just like a great heroic act for the sake of the community, for his people, and for this child. He’s just done it, and for his son. He hasn’t told anybody that, you know? We’re asking a lot of people to sit through, to have their family smashed apart and this new guy on the block, but believe me, it’s moving to a very exciting place.


What did you think of the above interview?

Monday 14 November 2016

Is Maggie Dead?

Is Maggie Dead on The Walking Dead
Is Maggie Dead?
So, one of the questions on many people's minds after last night's episode of The Walking Dead - is Maggie dead? 

Father Gabriel and Rick certainly claimed this was the case to Negan as he was touring Alexandria.

Well, in short... no. She's not dead.

Thankfully father Gabriel once again redeemed himself with some quick thinking when he overheard Negan asking Rick where Maggie was, as he wanted to pay her a visit. "Would you like to pay your respects?" asked father G, to which Negan looked shocked.

"She's dead!?"

A quick visit to some mock graves that Gabriel prepared convinces Negan that this is the case. He even admitted that he didn't want this to happen, basically saying that Glenn did have to die because of Daryl, but Maggie certainly never. God only knows what sort of things Negan wanted to do to Maggie - the worrying thing is what will he do when he finds out that she is, in fact, alive, and that Rick lied to him?

Gabriel's words with Rick echoed through me during this episode "Was nice digging a grave I knew would stay empty" - This is something our group wishes was true more often than it's not.

This leaves the question - where is Maggie?

According to the preview for next weeks episode of The Walking Dead, she's at The Hilltop. This is also what happens in the comic as Maggie goes on the path to becoming the leader of The Hilltop community.

What did Michonne see burning at the end of S7 Episode 4?

What did Michonne see burning at the end of Walking Dead

So, what was that Michonne saw burning at the end of the episode?

It turns out it was the mattresses that Negan and the rest of the saviours took from Alexandria. But why? Why would you burn perfectly good mattresses outside of the town you just took them from?

In my opinion, this was done to assert dominance - a final "look at what we can do - we're in charge!" if you will. Negan and the saviours wanted our group to stumble across it at some point just to further drive home their point that they can, and will, do whatever the f**k they want!

Or it could've just been a case of them taking more mattresses than they needed, so they burned the excess - but I don't believe this is the case.

What do you think? What did you think it was burning at the end of the episode when you first saw it? Leave your comments below, or over on our Walking Dead Forums.

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5 - Preview

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5 - Preview

Here is the preview for The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5 which airs next week. I've included the synopsis, promo and sneak peek videos below.

Title: Go Getters

Synopsis: Saddled with grief and surrounded by enemies, members of the group try to find safety at the Hilltop before it's too late.


Sneak Peek 1:

Sneak Peek 2: Coming soon...

Make sure to check out more of our Walking Dead Videos on our website.

Talking Walking Dead - Fan Forums

The Walking Dead Forums
Come and register on our forums and join in on discussions!
Just wanted to let all you guys know that we do have a dedicated fan forum set up for discussing all things The Walking Dead.

Check it out here: Talking Walking Dead - The Walking Dead Forum

You can also click on the Forums button at the top of our website.

Once you're on the forums, click on Register at the top right of the forum window in order to create an account. Once this is done you are free to start posting and replying to threads.

Competitions will be coming soon, so make sure to check back for details.

Monday 7 November 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 3 - Easy Street Song

The Walking Dead Easy Street Song
I think this song is starting to get to him...
Here's the song used by Negan and co. to torture Daryl in his cell during Season 7 Episode 3 of The Walking Dead. The song is called Easy Street by The Collapsable Hearts Club ft. Jim Biano & Petra Haden.

"We're on easy street, and it feels so sweet, cos the world is but a treat when you're on easy street..."


How many of you actually found this song quite catchy? I bet poor Daryl didn't!

Here's the lyrics for Easy Street below - you know, just in case you want to torture yourself some more.

We're on easy street
And it feels so sweet
'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street
And we're breaking out the good champagne
We're sitting pretty on the gravy train
And when we sing every sweet refrain repeats
Right here on easy street

It's our moment in the sun
And it's only just begun
It's time to have a little fun
We're inviting you to come and see why you should be
On easy street
Yeah, we got a front row seat
O, to a life that can't be beat
Right here on easy street
It's our moment in the sun
And it's only just begun
It's time to have a little fun
And we're inviting you to come and see why you should be
On easy street
Yeah, we got a front row seat
O, to a life that can't be beat
Right here on easy street

'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street

'Cause the world is 'bout a treat

When you're on easy street

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 4 - Preview

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 4 - Negan and Rick
Negan arrives at Alexandria for his first take
Here is the preview for The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 4 which airs next week. I've included the synopsis, promo and sneak peek videos below. It looks like Alexandria is finally going to get a taste of Negan! Also, this episode will be 90 minutes long - let's hope everyone survives until the end in this one.

Title: Service

Synopsis: Negan arrives at Alexandria for his first offering from Rick and co. Rick lets everyone know that he's no longer in charge.


Sneak Peek 1:

Sneak Peek 2:

Make sure to check out more videos on our site here...

Sunday 6 November 2016

Will we see a broken Daryl in Tonight's episode?

Daryl - The Cell Episode 7x03

It looks like tonight's episode of The Walking Dead is going to be heavily focussed on Daryl. We've not seen anything of him since he was captured at the end of the season 7 premiere - as Negan said: "He's mine now!" The question is how will Daryl be coping since being captured and taken back to the saviours camp?

Judging by the preview of the episode he's not looking too great. Norman Reedus himself has stated that Daryl will always feel responsible for Glenn's death, after all, if it wasn't for him losing control and punching Negan in the face our Glenn would still be alive! Add that to the fact that Daryl must know that no one is coming to save him now that Negan is in control of everything. He's bound to be in a very dark, dismal place!

What are you hoping to see in tonight's episode? Remember and check out the promo and sneak peek clips on our website here...

Thursday 3 November 2016

Abraham and Glenn's Death Scene

Well, here it is people.

The Walking Dead's death scene for poor old Abraham and Glenn. Scroll down below for the video. Let us know in the comments section what you thought of this scene - was the violence and gore too much for you? 

While you're at it, let us know what your favourite moment was for both Abraham and Glenn in The Walking Dead.

RIP guys... you will be missed.

The Walking Dead Abraham's Death Scene
Suck my nuts!

The Walking Dead Glenn's Death Scene
Maggie, I'll find you!

The Walking Dead Glenn Death | The Walking Dead Abraham Death

Just out of interest, how many of you caught the peace sign that Abraham was making to Sasha just before he got his head pounded in? Damn I'm going to miss his classic one liners and quotes... "bitch nuts!"

For more videos, including previews of upcoming episodes, make sure to check out our Walking Dead Videos

Wednesday 2 November 2016

'Last Day on Earth' Fan Art by Ashlee Casey

More Negan fan art, this time from Ashlee Casey. I found the below picture on Reddit and had to share it cause I think it's awesome.

Remember, if you have your own Walking Dead fan art that you would like to share with us then get in touch and let us know.

Negan - Last Day on Earth Fan Art
Leave a comment below with your thoughts on the above picture.